IT Monitoring & TCO
SaaS or self-hosted?
Selecting the best option for your IT monitoring solution
When it comes to deploying IT monitoring software, organizations can choose between self-hosted or SaaS, or decide to use both.
But the real dilemma is not choosing between self-hosting or SaaS. It is determining which deployment option will best support an organization’s complex IT, human, and budget requirements.
Comparing license costs may seem like the fastest way out of this dilemma but it is reductive at best –because license cost is just the tip of the iceberg.
Total cost of acquisition (TCO) is the most relevant criterion in selecting a deployment option as it considers all the indirect and hidden costs of acquiring and running a solution. Beyond TCO, there are other important considerations which can also influence the choice between SaaS or self-hosted, such as data security, regulatory issues, and IT sustainability.
This second Expert Insights volume reviews IT monitoring deployment options from a TCO perspective and more to help IT decision makers and managers identify the IT monitoring deployment option that will best meet their needs.
Download the document for free by filling in this form

This read will help you to:
- Understand the advantages and disadvantages of each deployment option
- Determine which, between SaaS and self-hosted, fits your organization's unique needs
- Consider all the costs to acquire a solution at the best TCO
Takeaway from this read
IT Monitoring & TCO
SaaS or self-hosted?
Selecting the best option for your IT monitoring solution